Mike Drawdy

My biography:
As a young boy, I was fortunate to able to grow up outdoors every day on a Tropical fish farm “Imperial Tropicals” in Lakeland, Florida. At a young age, I was taught how to hunt and fish and to respect mother nature. Now with a family of my own I am happy to be able to raise my kids in that same tradition.
I can follow my passion and love of animals by being the Manager of Imperial Tropicals. We put a lot of hard work into the proper care of breeding and growing the fish that we breed. I want people to have success with fish keeping and stay passionate.
My favorite part of fish keeping is to learn not only about where the fish comes from in the wild, but also about the people living next to the fish. You start seeing how fragile and threatened this world really is. One of our main focuses at Imperial Tropicals is to breed fish that are also threated in the wild and to educate people about the dangers that they face in their natural habitat. Follow us (https://www.facebook.com/ImperialTropicals/) at Imperial Tropicals on our journey through this life.